Refresh the Summer With These Herbal Tonics

Summer has rolled around yet again, but this year, you’re deciding to make it all about you. It’s a season for revamping and renewing: you’re tossing out your old clothes that don’t spark joy anymore, swiping left on dating app duds that can barely type a response beyond “lol,” and are making the choice to hit refresh on your health and wellness routine. While you’ve got the first two steps of your “new summer, new me” plan down, you’re at a loss for what new nutritional products that you could incorporate into your routine to revitalize your lifestyle. Luckily, we’ve got a great recommendation: herbal tonics!

Herbal tonics are a form of nutritional supplement made from herbs and other natural ingredients that help to support the body in a variety of ways. They’re also a great item to add to your daily wellness routine to help you feel happy, healthy, and refreshed this summer. If you’re not quite sure what an herbal tonic is, or which ones could benefit you, we’ve got your back with a list of herbal tonic facts that showcase just how great this supplement is. 

What is an Herbal Tonic? 

An herbal tonic is a nutritional supplement that is a product of herbalism. Herbalism is the study of plants for medicinal use. Long before the advent Western medicine, people mainly used herbs and other natural ingredients as a means to support the body and immune system. More recently, herbalism has come back into popularity as people are searching for natural ways to supplement their bodies, in addition to the necessary medications that they already take. It’s important to note that herbal tonics are not a substitute for medical treatment, and it’s essential to talk to your doctor before starting any type of herbal supplement, especially if you’re prone to allergic reaction to different herbs and plant-based products. 

An herbal tonic comes in beverage form, as herbs are ground down and mixed with water and other natural ingredients. Herbal tonics can be enjoyed any time of day, so it’s easy to incorporate them into your routine in accordance with your schedule. Additionally, herbal tonics can be mixed with both sparkling or still water, and you can choose what kind works for you, depending on your personal preference.

What Kind of Things Can Herbal Tonics Help With? 

The superfood herbs and berries included in herbal tonics can help to support the body in reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system. Some of the most common reasons that people take herbal tonics include: 

To Increase Immune System Support

One of the most important parts of our overall health is ensuring that we maintain a healthy immune system. Our immune system is constantly fighting off different viral germs and bacteria in order to keep us healthy and free from unwanted illness. To keep your immune system in top shape, it’s important to get a good amount of rest, keep stress levels low, and eat a balanced diet. However, sometimes we can let one of these areas slide, in which case it’s a great idea to incorporate and herbal tonic with ingredients like goji berries, hibiscus, and elderberry, which contain a variety of antioxidants and vitamins that support the immune system in fighting off and recovering from infection. 

To Aid in Better Digestion

Often, we might find ourselves struggling with some form of digestive discomfort in the form of gas, bloating, nausea, or heartburn. Luckily, there are herbal tonics that contain ingredients that can aid in digestion including mint, dandelion root, mint, chicory root, and turmeric. Try a detox herbal tonic to help calm your stomach when upset strikes. 

To Reduce Mental Stress

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, so you want to do all that you can to keep your stress levels at a minimum. When we get too stressed, we can experience burnout, which can lead to unwanted mental, and even physical, strain. If you’re feeling particularly stressed you might want to try an herbal tonic that includes ashwagandha, a superfood herb that is known to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. By drinking an herbal tonic with ashwagandha, you can help to provide yourself with a form of mental calm, so you can go about your day without feeling too overwhelmed. 

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for a way to refresh your summer, it's a great idea to incorporate herbal tonics into your daily routine in order to support your overall health. You can choose different herbal tonics based on what areas of your health that you’re trying to boost. Whether you’re looking to increase your immune system support, aid in better digestion, or reduce mental stress, there’s an herbal tonic that’s right for you. What kind of herbal tonic do you think would help you refresh this summer?