Detox Blend

spinach + kale + lemon + apple + cucumber + pineapple + parsley
Mood Boost
$ 7.25 USD

Our Detox Blend has everything your need to detox, reset, and start feeling you best. Packed full of superfood nutrients and refreshing fruit flavor, you'll understand why this juice is a fan favorite. It's a natural and mild detox for a fast fix to last night's pizza regrets or (even better) a determined start to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Spinach. Antioxidants, heart health
  • Kale. Alkalizing, detoxifying
  • Apple. Blood sugar, energy
  • Parsley. Bone protection, bloating relief
  • Cucumber. Hydration, bone health
  • Lemon. Digestion, mood
  • Pineapple. Anti-inflammatory, eye health